Become a Partner / Service Provider
- 100% Free Registration
- 14 Day Free Trial
- Excellent Support
- No Long-Term Commitments
- No Other Costs
- Trial ends automatically
- No notice periods
- Cancel online anytime, no contract
- Information is confidential
WHY USE RELOCATION STATION:The main reason to subscribe to Relocation Station is that as a partner you will only compete against industry leaders, there will be no fly by night companies or bakkie to hire companies, there will be no new start-up removal companies that under quote and then push the price up once they have the furniture on the truck.
As a company you will be able to work with a flat rate per month that can be calculated into your advertising budget, we will be doing the AdWords and SEO for the website and out of that you will get every lead generated by the site, and you can decide if you want to quote or not.
- Project Request – New Customers
- Build Your Companies Reputation
- Get more exposure
- We will add your logo to our website